Both the chemical and pharmaceutical industries require industrial refrigeration and tempering in their production processes.

Chemical transformations may require equipment that reaches temperatures from 140ºC to -45ºC, also having the entire range of intermediate temperatures. Therefore, they require rigorous temperature control to carry out their reaction process. The thermoregulators  TURBOGEL AND MICROGEL Frigel Group , allow energy savings, reduce downtime and their margin of error is only 0.3ºC.

Also, the pharmaceutical sector bases its production system on chemical reactions, hence the need for high performance and maximum reliability refrigeration and tempering equipment in its production plants, since, to a large extent, the quality of the product depends on said machinery, and that is why They play a fundamental role in this regard.

Finally, we must also take into account the scientific teams , both from the pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries, since they also require refrigeration systems such as conservation chambers or any other type of industrial cold machinery that they need for their research laboratories, either in universities or in other centers. 


Precise temperature control. Flow and pressure depending on the need.

Our equipment is digitally synchronized with the centralized system of the installation, allowing us to investigate and record the best flow and temperature adjustment for each zone (high cooling and heating capacity, with a temperature range from -45ºC to 140ºC), optimizing quality of the product with the minimum cooling time of the cycle.

Temperature in the reactor with a maximum error of 0.3ºC.  

Termorregulador agua
Reactor químico conectado al termorregulador TURBOGEL en el encuentro internacional de la química EXPOQUIMIA 2021.



Digitally synchronized with the centralized system of the installation, the thermoregulator  TURBOGEL  allows researching and recording the best flow rate and temperature setting for each zone, optimizing product quality with the minimum cooling cycle time.

Range available in 6 models for the double zone version and 8 models for the single zone version, with heating capacity from 6 to 48 kW,

Available with two versions of process pumps:

  • SP = Standard pressure, high flow pumps
  • HP = High pressure and large flow pumps

Termorregulador, controlador de temperatura, alta eficiencia, sostenibilidad, ahorro energético
Termorregulador Turbogel de alta eficiencia


Unique temperature control unit with integrated chiller and booster pumps,  MICROGEL  It is specially designed to increase productivity by reducing cooling time in plastics processing.

Dual zone temperature control unit with onboard chiller and booster pumps:

  • Range: from 5ºC to 90ºC
  • Designed for cycle time reduction
  • It allows to investigate and record the best cooling parameters, flow rate and temperature for each zone that optimizes the quality of the product with the minimum cooling time
  • Can be digitally synchronized with the reactor
  • It allows to measure the consumption of cooling energy of the reactor (kWh/kg).
Termorregulador, controlador de temperatura, eficiencia energética, ahorro
Microgel con enfriador integrado y bombas de refuerzo


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