Next Generation European Funds

Do you know the Next Generation European Funds ?

Find out how to benefit from this grant with Vacca Engineering !

What are the Next Generation European Funds?

The Next Generation European Funds are a grant instrument of the European Union endowed with more than 800,000 million euros to be able to repair economic damages to companies due to the incidents caused by the last years of the pandemic.

These funds are a recovery plan so that companies can get back on their feet and earn more capital to encourage job creation and economic growth at a European level.

The total investment made in the European Next Generation Funds is 806,900 million euros.

In Spain the amount will reach 70,000 million.

Funds breakdown of the European Union page

  • Recovery and Resilience Facility: €723.8 billion
  • Of which loans: €385.8 billion
  • Of which, Grants: €338 billion
  • React EU: €50.6 billion
  • Horizon Europe: €5.4 billion
  • Invest EU: €6.1 billion
  • Rural Development: €8.1 billion
  • Just transition funds: €10.9 billion
  • RescEU: €2 billion

Who can request European Funds?

Anyone can benefit from the EU budget. It is possible to search for current and upcoming calls for funding proposals, obtain general information on funding procedures and programs and apply for funding online.

Therefore, all sectors at the national level of the Spanish economy can be beneficiaries of these funds and, therefore, they will be able to invest this capital in improving their own business economy and improving their facilities as well as products or machinery.

How to access European Next Generation funds?

To access the funds, each Member State must present a national recovery plan, where they agree with the EU on the plan of measures, investments and reforms that will be undertaken with the funds received.

For any questions about access to these funds, you just have to contact Vacca Engineering and we will accompany you in the process of managing and resolving them.

European Funds Next Generation Spain

The proposed EU item for Spain is 70,000 million euros, so not all companies will be able to access it. That is why companies must try to speed up the process as much as possible to try to get European funds next generation Spain and benefit from this management that will help hundreds of people to recover after the economic damage caused by the coronavirus.

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Next Generation European Funds
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